Posts Tagged ‘Richard Quinn & Associates


Nancy Harrelson sets up for big loss in SC-6
Originally uploaded by johnvierdsen

It’s funny sometimes what happens during a campaign season. For a while, the Quinns’ Adam Fogle has been going on about Democrats in congressional races that they could never possibly win. For a sampling, check out:

U.S. House District 1
Henry Brown (R-i)

02/11/08 – Brown’s challenger hearts out-of-state liberals
02/12/08 – Brown’s challenger has ‘utter disdain for southern Christianity’
05/04/08 – Somebody’s a little full of herself

U.S. House District 2
Joe Wilson (R-i)

06/06/08 – Dems trade barbs for chance to lose to Wilson

OK, fair enough. But, all’s fair in love and Facebook friends, since Fogle’s friended Sixth District candidate Nancy Harrelson, who, like the Dems he poked fun at, has absolutely no chance of winning in November.

If you take a gander at the previous general election results for SC-6, it’s pretty obvious what the result is going to be.

Rep. Jim Clyburn (D)
Margin of Victory

2006: 30 percent
2004: 34 percent
2002: 35 percent
2000: 47 percent
1998: 47 percent
1996: 39 percent

Good luck with that. Especially since it looks like her Web site is up on cinder blocks:

The funniest part is that even though the site is up, linked to and otherwise “active,” it’s basically still a template. The explanation of where she stands on the issues is very enlightening:

“Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt.”

Now, it’s time to raise a glass to incumbency and gerrymandering!


Now it’s on
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S.C. House District 38 Republican nominee (and wholly-owned subsidiary of Howard Rich) Joey Millwood and former Landrum mayor Doug Brannon are now ready to rumble, according to reports from The Herald-Journal.

It appears that Brannon got 68 more signatures than needed to get on the ballot, and turned them in 10 minutes before the deadline. That means that he’ll be able to pull out all the stops to make sure that a real conservative (not a Howard Rich flunky) will represent the district in the next House session.

It also means that the chance of the Sandlapper Group to go 0-for-’08 in contested races is still there. The consulting firm, started in November of 2007, might as well be called “SCRG Political Consulting LLC,” as much as it directly pimped SCRG and S.C. Club for Growth candidates that hadn’t already been taken by Starboard Communications or the Quinn firm.

Millwood got lucky the first time because of conflicting loyalties at Starboard for the race between himself and Rep. Bob Walker. The same won’t be true in November, and it’s highly doubtful Millwood will be taking the oath of office in Columbia this cycle.

Brannon’s signature drive appears successful [The Herald-Journal]


Robert Ford sold to Howard Rich for $8,000

In his mad dash to buy the South Carolina Republican Party, New York moneyman Howard Rich sprinkled a little cash Democrats’ way. Believe it or not, the real estate bigwig with bottomless pockets went down to Charleston and picked up Democratic Sen. Robert Ford.

According to Ford’s July 10 disclosure report, he took in cash from 470 W 166 LLC (73 Spring Street; Room 408, New York, NY 10012-5802), 123 Lasalle Associates (73 Spring Street; Room 408, New York, NY 10012-5802), Realty LLC (73 Spring Street; Room 408, New York, NY 10012-5802), Newrich LLC (73 Springs Street; Room 408, New York, NY 10012-5802), Yvonne Rich (2111 West Road 1, Mountain Home, AR 72653), Douglas H. Levine (2760 N. Bay Road, Miami Beach, FL 33140-4265), Joseph D. Stilwell (26 Broadway; 23rd Floor, New York, NY 10004), and The Stonecreek Group (2443 Fair Oaks Blvd.; Suite 191, Sacramento, CA 95825).

That’s not a bad haul for just saying “yes” to the right guy.

And, get this – he hired Republicans to do his mail! That’s right, the Quinns (through Mail Marketing Strategies and the Copy Shop) were working for yet another bought-and-paid-for Howard Rich candidate, and a Democrat, to boot.

Can’t wait for more fun and games to come as the rest of the field finishes up their reports.


Howard Rich buys SCGOP, celebrates

It’s well known the effort NYC real estate mogul Howard Rich has taken to trying to buy the S.C. state government, wholesale. Ross Shealy at Barbecue & Politics has done a pretty good job, showing how Rich bought and paid for several candidates on the sly, like Deborah Long, Scott Singer, Ken Roach, Ed Rumsey and Dee Compton, among others.

After the primaries and runoffs, it appears the chairman of the state Republican Party, Katon Dawson, is firmly in Rich’s pocket (and, paid for by South Carolinians for Responsible Government, no less). After all, why else would he be a party to such a fellatio session (seen here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here) with Rich?

We already know Will Folks and Jeff Sewell/Mike Green are in Rich’s pocket, and, seeing has how several of Rick Quinn’s clients have been neck-deep in Rich’s cash, Adam Fogle is flacking for the New York millionaire, as well.

Certainly, this must piss off the numerous General Assembly candidates that put a whoopin’ on Rich’s peeps. And, we know now that it’s not stopping. Just wait for the fun of 2010, 2012, 2014 and so on. If the people of this state are going to stop one man and his wacko lackeys from performing a coup on our state government, they’re going to have to keep at it.

Rich continues investing in SC’s political races [The State]
If you’re one of Howie Rich’s GOP targets, how do you feel about Katon Dawson right about now? [Brad Warthen’s Blog]


Quinns now involved in gold-digger matchmaking


Come on, Adam – this is no way to get a girlfriend.


Andy Card is not the right fit for Carolina
Originally uploaded by johnvierdsen

Just recently, former Bush chief of staff Andrew Card has been floated for the USC presidency, if for no other reason than he graduated from the engineering school and has friends in high places.

Like, say, the South Carolina attorney general’s office. According to an AP story, a former aide to Card, Bryan Stirling, is a top advisor to S.C. Attorney General Henry McMaster, and sent a letter to the Carolina presidential search committee.

But, let’s face it: do we really want the right-hand man of the worst president since Herbert Hoover (at least Hoover only had one term to fuck things up)? Card was in the president’s ear for six years. And, considering the long-running massive catastrophe that has been the Bush years, South Carolina’s flagship university doesn’t need someone with that kind of extraordinary ability to generate a clusterfuck.

Of course, you have people pimping Card like Rick Quinn’s boy Adam Fogle, who only operates as a mouthpiece of his firm (which, incidentally, would be running McMaster’s gubernatorial campaign). His reasoning is “SC needs a leader who is not a lackey of academia but someone with real world experience and relevance to move the school forward.” WTF?

I’m sure that Fogle doesn’t know much about Sorensen’s tenure, seeing as he was in Georgia for most of the current president’s tenure, but Sorensen’s done massive things for Carolina. Let’s see what’s happened since he took over: the Colonial Center, the Greek Village, the Strom Thurmond Wellness and Fitness Center, massive renovations of the Russell House, extensive nanotech research, Innovista, other projects dumping tons of money and personnel into science, three presidential debates, et cetera and so on.

What can Card do? Raise money. Well, shit, Cletus, any big-name Republican/business leader/plutocrat can do that. How about we get someone that actually knows how to be a university executive? Maybe someone that can tell the brain-dead General Assembly to quit cutting funding for higher education? Somebody that can continue the giant steps Carolina has taken in the past seven years?

Really – if all it takes is a fundraiser with friends in high places, why not Terry McAuliffe? Hell, he was chair of the DNC and is friends with a lot of big money people. Why not former DNC chairman and long-time Carolina professor Don Fowler? Sure, he’s a little old, but that hasn’t stopped John McCain.

The thing is, McAuliffe and Fowler are just as wrong of choices as Card. But, they’re not Republicans affiliated Henry Mac.

Ex-aide to president touted for job at Univ. of SC [The Associated Press]


Runoffs to turn tide in GOP civil war
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It all comes down to today, on which the Republican primary runoffs for certain General Assembly seats will make the final designation as to if Gov. Mark Sanford and his friends won a marginal victory or suffered a marginal defeat.

The main event, to be sure, is the battle between Sen. Jake Knotts and former Lexington County GOP chairman Katrina Shealy. Sure, Shealy’s been backed by New York real estate magnate Howard Rich (SCRG, et. al.) and Sanford’s wealthy Lowcountry pals (S.C. Club for Growth, Carolinians for Change), and that’s given her a lot of momentum. However, Knotts has a good enough record among his constituents that it shouldn’t have gone this far.

The blame has to lay at the feet of his consultant, Rod Shealy, who managed to properly piss away Sen. Catherine Ceips’ chances against Tom Davis, and did such a horrible job with Rep. Carl Gullick that he only beat what amounted to a straw man by four points.

The truth is, though, Lexington County (outside of the nouveau-riche suburbs) doesn’t like Sanford or his people. And, who is more motivated to turn out – the irritated redneck, or the Michelob-drinking, polo-wearing, country club-attending faux bubba? The smart money is on Knotts’ people to turn out, allowing Jake to spank Sanford’s ass for another couple years.

Of the four undercard battles (Dee Compton v. Chip Stockman notwithstanding), the most interesting is Rep. Scott Talley v. Lee Bright in Senate 12. What makes it interesting is that Talley’s a smart guy, a fiscal conservative and a principled man, Bright’s an utter moron, and it’s still as close as it is. The only reason Bright can overcome his complete incompetence is that he’s running with the full faith and credit of Club for Growth and Sanford.

Talley’s consultants, First Tuesday, have an undefeated record against Club/Sanford candidates this cycle, while Bright’s people, the Quinns, have managed a so-so record on June 10. One thing is for certain, though – there are enough incompetents at the State House without adding Bright to the mix.

In another First Tuesday-Quinns faceoff, Tom Young is taking on Scott Singer in Aiken. Young should take this one, even with Singer being a signatory to the “hit list” proposal‘s “Contract for Change.” Young had a healthy lead in the first round of voting, so getting 50+1 shouldn’t be so hard.

In House 79, we’ll see if the GOP will be able to retain Rep. Bill Cotty’s seat. David Herndon, the moderate, stands the best chance at keeping the district Republican during a brutal general election effort against Democrat Anton Gunn. Sheri Few, who tried to take out Cotty the last time, not so much.

If Few is able to defeat Herndon, more than a few (no pun intended) Republicans in Columbia’s northeast will be helping Gunn’s effort, helping to tip the balance to the Democrat. There’s a real disconnect up there between your average Republican and the stone-cold crazies that back Few’s campaign. This one shapes up as a Rod Shealy, Jr.-Starboard Communications battle. And, much like Bright, we don’t need another wingnut downtown every six months.

As for Senate 13, that one’s over. Shane Martin, “the quiet man,” let Max Hyde whup up on Sen. Jim Ritchie, then stuck to the high road with his NASCAR events and NASCAR money. And, because of Ritchie’s mismanagement of his ambition for higher office, he’s going to get nailed today.

Our State Senate Runoff picks: Knotts, Martin, and a Toss-up [The Blogland of Earl Capps]
Runoff: Few and Herndon vie to face Democrat Gunn [The State]
Voters return to polls; Knotts, Shealy respond to each other’s attacks [WIS]
Runoff: Knotts, Shealy in heated rematch [The State]
NOW DeMint’s making things LESS clear [Brad Warthen’s Blog]
Young pushes job growth, education [The Augusta Chronicle]

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